Open your business in 21 days. Join the team of the micromobility leader

Stability and the best competitive advantages among all operators in Ukraine

We share our carefully developed business model and the experience of our experts in the field of urban micromobility. Our brand has won the trust of customers and gained recognition from partners.

Modern and effective software solutions for the control and success of your business

We not only sell the franchise, but also invest in the operating business. Therefore, our development team has created software that is practical and effective.

Favorable conditions for the purchase of vehicles

We cooperate with the leading manufacturers of electric scooters, thanks to which we provide our partners with competitive prices for vehicles and equipment. This allows you to reduce the costs of initial investments and ensure a quick return of funds.










To make urban mobility more modern and convenient


We strive for long-term partnerships, recognizing the unique features of each city and helping to adapt our solutions to local conditions and needs.


Effective investments in the transport system of Ukraine

Ingredients of success


We choose a vehicle

We provide partners with a wide selection of vehicles from different manufacturers at favorable prices


Social responsibility

Electric scooters are rented in public space, which is why cooperation with the city administration is important for the development of ecological transport, solving problems with city logistics, ensuring convenience and safety for consumers


We form a team

We offer free internships at partner branches and guarantee the best experience for our franchisees.

6 advantages of own software

Your own software allows you to develop a unique platform, customize functionality, design, and use experience to perfectly match market requirements and your specific needs.
Own software development allows us to quickly introduce new features to meet changing customer and market needs. We can constantly improve the system and add innovative features. Currently, our developers are working on a "heatmap", a graphical presentation of analytical data on consumer demand at specific points in the city.
Instead of relying on third-party software providers, we can be confident in developing and maintaining our own platform. This allows us to focus on other areas of business development. In addition, we cooperate with the LiqPay team, providing our partners with corporate priority conditions and 24/7 service.
Our platform allows you to fully control and analyze user and scooter usage statistics. This provides an opportunity to make informed decisions based on analytics.
We can guarantee that our software complies with all legal requirements, security and data privacy standards. We provide full control over data protection measures.

Ми постійно працюємо з командою технічної підтримки над вдосконаленням системи. Ми можемо оперативно вирішувати проблеми, покращувати функціонал і адаптувати його до змін.

Partners stories

There are currently 5 operators working in Vinnytsia. We entered the market fourth, but thanks to high-quality training, constant exchange of experience with the head office, and help in improving business processes - we feel confident, we are increasing the number of scooters and our presence. The software product deserves special attention, especially in the context of analytics, which provides a basis and helps in making quality management decisions.
  • Vinnytsia
Taking into account the wishes of customers, and despite the obstacles, in the future we plan to expand the geography of the city and double the number of scooters. We have many positive reviews about our service, it is very nice that people use the service not only for entertainment, but also as a means of transportation.
  • Kamianske
After a full-scale invasion and the loss of all business in Mariupol, a franchise from JET was a very effective means for us to quickly restore financial stability and return to business processes. With the help of a strong brand and the support of industry experts, we were able to successfully launch in two cities at the same time and establish a record of 7 scooter trips for the entire season!
  • Rivne and Lutsk
I have been interested in the idea of starting a scooter rental business for a long time. The question remained how to organize everything. The company JET.UA completely took under its wing and helped launch this business. The JET.UA team is always ready to provide high-quality and fast support, which is very important in modern business.
  • Kovel


  • April 15, 2024

Малий бізнес: 5 переваг для успішного старту

На сьогоднішній день купити бізнес або започаткувати власний – все більш можливо завдяки франшизі та іншим вигідним можливостям. Початок власного бізнесу може призвести до багатьох викликів, але також відкриває безліч переваг. Саме тому купити готовий бізнес чи купити малий бізнес може стати чудовим рішенням для успішного стартапу. Давайте розглянемо основні переваги, які можна отримати при здійсненні такого кроку.

  • April 15, 2024

Франшиза електросамокатів: вигода та переваги

Франшиза є одним із найпопулярніших та ефективних способів ведення бізнесу в сучасному світі. Модель франшизи надає підприємцям можливість купити франшизу від успішної компанії і вести свій власний бізнес на її основі. Це дозволяє швидко вийти на ринок з готовим продуктом або послугою, з мінімальними ризиками та вигодами від вже визнаного бренду.

  • February 21, 2024

Чому вам варто задуматись над бізнесом в сфері електросамокатів

Франшиза JetFranchise – хороший початок самореалізації У світі стрімко розвивається технологічний прогрес, вносячи в наше життя інноваційні зміни, які нерідко стають ключовими для успіху в бізнесі. Однією з таких важливих тенденцій є зростаючий інтерес до електросамокатів як сучасного та екологічного засобу пересування. І саме в цьому контексті відкриття бізнесу у сфері електросамокатів стає не тільки […]